Postcard- German WW2 “Das deutsche Heer an allen Fronten”
Postcard- German WW2 “Das deutsche Heer an allen Fronten”
German World War Two Postcard “Das deutsche Heer an allen Fronten”. 5 ¾” x 4” photo postcard showing a combat pose, a German Army officer in helmet, mosqueto head-net, Schmeisser Machine gun, and binoculars. The reverse has the credit; “Postkarte Nr. 7 aus der Serie”Das deutsche Heer an allen Fronten”, zum Brief des Ritterkreuztragers Hauptmann Ketteri. In den ausgedehnfen Sumpfwaldern des Ostens bielbt die modern auserustete deutsche infantrerie stets Herr der Lage”. This translates to; “Postcard number 7 in the series, “The German Army on all fronts” from letters of the Knight's Cross bearer Captain Ketteri. In the vast swamp forests of the East, the modern-style German infantry always masters the situation.” Great detail of German Army Infantry combat equipment. Interesting pose. Postcard in excellent condition. Price: $25.00 (ref. B-6081)