World War One Y.M.C.A. Postcard "First American Troops to Land in France and last to go home"
World War One Y.M.C.A. Postcard "First American Troops to Land in France and last to go home"
World War One Y.M.C.A. Postcard "First American Troops to Land in France and last to go home". Here is a great YMCA Postcard with the statistical FIRSTs for the “Big Red One”, the U.S. First Infantry Division in France in World War One. This is a YMCA distributed postcard. The reverse has a nice YMCA red triangle logo, with “Troop Train Service” above. It was available in France on Troop Trains moving the !st Division Soldiers, to encourage them to write home. In near excellent condition, with minor storage marks on the right middle. Very slight. Price: $26.00 (ref. C-142)