Winston Churchill Spode Pitcher- made in 1941 for UK Market
Winston Churchill Spode Pitcher- made in 1941 for UK Market
This is a nice example of the famous Spode Churchhill Pitcher. It was produced in 1941 for the UK market in what Spode called the Galloway shape. It is 7 1/4 inches high, with a 4 1/4 inch diameter opening, and a florial decoration on the spout. It is known as Spode Shape K744, Pattern F445. The bottom has the Spode logo noting Copeland, Spode, England, and the registration number, "Rd No. 838714". This Registration is within the 1941 group of numbers. This pitcher has a transfer decal on the front showing a portrait of Churchill in the center, flanked by a warship, a tank and with a fighter aircraft above. Above this vignette are the slightly misquoted words from Churchill’s May 1940 speech, "ALL I CAN OFFER IS BLOOD, TOIL, TEARS AND SWEAT". Below is a ribbon with the August 1940 remark by Churchill; “NEVER IN THE FIELD OF HUMAN CONFLICT WAS SO MUCH OWED BY SO MANY TO SO FEW". On the reverse are crossed British Union Jack and American flags, with an RAF fighter aircraft between them. In a banner at the bottom are the words; “WE STAND FOR DEMOCRACY”. As can be noted from flag etiquette; the home country flag of Great Britain is on the left flanked by the American Stars and Stripes at the right, which stands to reason because this large pitcher was produced for the UK market. There is a 2 ¾” x ¼” stain at the base rim on the reverse side, probably due the pitcher being set down in a puddle of tea or coffee, a minor and honest stain. This 1941 issue Spode Churchill Pitcher in it’s large size makes an impressive statement about this great English statesman, and the friendship between the Great Britian and the United States. Price: $575.00 (ref. TB B-508)